The book launched at the 2019 ABRAPAV Congress, with articles by psychologists who are members of ABRAPAV and collaborators, organized by the Association's Board of Directors.
For purchase Buy Here.
Part of the book's sales will be reverted to ABRAPAV's actions.
Launched in November 2020, the book "Emergency and Disaster Situations: Conceptions and Practices" presents an interdisciplinary collection of texts on the topic. Conceição Pereira, a Psychologist, contributed to this publication with the chapter titled "Mental Health and Aeronautical Accidents". Book information: Click Here.
Released at the end of 2020, the book “Saúde a bordo: práticas de cuidado do aeronauta”, organized by psychologist Solange Regina Signori Iamin, presents chapters involving professionals from different areas, addressing topics related to the health of the aeronaut. The book includes contributions from members Mauro Santos Matias and Angélica Simone Escabora. To purchase Click here.
The book "Applied Psychology to Aviation: an essential instrument for flight safety - Cognitive-behavioral approach" was released by Psychologist Rosana Bauer, a member and founder of ABRAPAV. Contact and information about the book, directly with the author via WhatsApp 51 995518221.
Written by Prof. Dr. Maria Helena Pereira Franco, the greatest specialist and pioneer on the subject in Brazil.
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Article "The psychosocial impact and coping with Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) in aviation" - Conceição Pereira.
In partnership with ASAGOL, Assistant Secretary Maria da Conceição Correia Pereira published, in the ABRAPAV Space, in the 13th edition of the SafetyNews magazine, the article "The psychosocial impact and coping with Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) in aviation".
This partnership with the ASAGOL Safety Magazine provides ABRAPAV and its members with the opportunity to disseminate their contributions related to safety and the health and well-being of those involved in aviation activities.
Clique aqui para ler o artigo.
Published the 12th edition of the ASAGOL Safety News magazine. In this edition, in the "ABRAPAV Space", an article by Psychologist Márcia Regina Molinari Barrreto, Founder and President of the current management of ABRAPAV, on "COVID-19 and Operational Safety: contributions of psychology to the safe return of operations".
Clique aqui para ler o artigo.
Published the 11th edition of the ASAGOL Safety News magazine. In this edition, in the "ABRAPAV Space", an article by Psychologist Márcia Regina Molinari Barrreto, Founder and President of the current management of ABRAPAV, on "The Impact of the Pandemic on the Psychosocial Well-being of Airmen".
Clique aqui para ler o artigo.
In continuation with the partnership established with ASAGOL, an article titled "Distributed Cognition in the Cockpit: A Preliminary Study" was published in May 2022, in the ABRAPAV Space of the ASAGOL SafetyNews magazine, nº 14, written by Psychologist Selma Ribeiro, Founder and Treasurer of the current management of ABRAPAV.
If you have any interesting material about Human Factor and Operational Safety, please contact President Márcia Molinari ( to discuss your participation.
Clique aqui para ler o artigo.
In this volume, we have the participation of the Founder and Member of the current Board, psychologist Dr. Mauricio Pereira da Costa, with a chapter titled "Psychological Evaluation and Civil Aviation".
Launched in 2023, this work is the second volume of a book proposed by the Research Group on Evaluation, Rehabilitation and Human-Animal Intervention (ARIHA) on psychological evaluation in contemporary contexts.
The themes of the chapters deal with handling and carrying weapons, children victims of sexual violence, foreigners, as well as civil aviation, crisis contexts and devolutive interview in the evaluation process.
Clique aqui para conhecer o livro.
The psychologist and founder of ABRAPAV, Maria da Conceição Correia Pereira, published in the Journal Conexão SIPAER (1.2023), together with students from the Psychology and Aeronautical Sciences courses at the Universidade Maurício de Nassau, in Recife, the results of the research "Impacts of COVID-19 on pilots from different sectors of the Brazilian aviation industry", conducted as part of the Scientific Initiation Program at that University.
Click here to access the article.
Click here to access the full journal.
Continuing the partnership with ASAGOL, an article titled "Cultural Differences in the Cockpit are Welcome" was published in the commemorative edition of the entity's 20th anniversary, in June 2023, in the ABRAPAV Space of the ASAGOL SafetyNews magazine, nº 16, written by psychologist and ABRAPAV founder Marcia Fajer, current Vice President.
Click here to read the article.
Published the 17th edition of the ASAGOL Safety News magazine. In this edition, in the "ABRAPAV Space", an article by Psychologist Cláudia Daemon, founder and member of the current management of ABRAPAV, on "The interpersonal relationship between pilots and air traffic controllers and the safety of aviation operations".
Click here to read the article.
The 18th Edition of the ASAGOL Safety News Magazine features a publication by our member Mauro Santos Matias, titled "Aviation Peer Support: The aviation experience in biopsychosocial care for aeronauts".
Click here to read the article.
Published the 19th Edition of the ASAGOL Safety News Magazine. In this edition, in the "ABRAPAV Space", an article by Psychologist Márcia Regina Molinari Barreto, Founder and President of the current management of ABRAPAV, on "Taking Off towards Gender Equality".
Click here to read the article.
Psychologist Dr. Cesar da Silva Santos, one of the founding members of ABRAPAV, published the article entitled "APPLICABILITY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS" in the e-book organized by CRP-RJ. In the article, he presents a report of experiences acquired throughout his professional practice, where psychological assessment was applied in various contexts: Applied psychology to polar environments; Organizational and work psychology; Psychology of traffic, covering the modalities of maritime (merchant ships, military ships and submarines), land (railway) and air (fixed wing and rotary wing aviation, aircraft repair and air traffic controllers).
Click here to access the article in the e-book.
In celebration of its 10 years, ABRAPAV, in partnership with CENIPA, published the Special Edition of the Revista Conexão SIPAER. This commemorative edition includes articles on experience reports, literature reviews, and research communications conducted by psychologists active in aviation, who contribute their knowledge to the strengthening of Aviation Psychology in Brazil.
Click here to access the Commemorative Edition ABRAPAV 10 years of Revista Conexão SIPAER.
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